On Friday, Alex Jones spoke with far-right birther activist Steve Pidgeon of the North American Law Center about Republican National Committeeman Dave Agema’s resolution “urging Congress to act on about 50 articles of impeachment” against President Obama that were “drafted by the North American Law Center.”
(Article by Brian Tashman, republished from http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/alex-jones-secret-muslim-obama-war-america)
The InfoWars commentator kicked off the program by lamenting that he can “hardly sleep at night” because he can “feel” that “evil is on the move” because of the Obama administration, while Pidgeon painted a bleak picture of the country’s future under Obama, one which includes internment camps, martial law and dictatorship.
Pidgeon alleged that the Affordable Care Act and the president’s recent executive actions on gun reform are both “policies that were originated in the Third Reich,” insisting that Obama intends to “completely disarm the American public while he imports hundreds of thousands of Muslim terrorists and other paid mercenaries who come into the country unarmed to find mosques that are essentially armories.” He went on to say that Obama is using taxpayer dollars to aid terrorist groups including “Hezbollah, Hamas, the Palestinian Liberation Army [sic], Islamic jihad,” as well as ISIS.
“He wears a Wahhabist ring,” Jones declared, referring to the debunked claim from WorldNetDaily’s Jerome Corsi that loops on a ring worn by Obama are actually the Islamic statement of faith. Jones added that “high-level people” have told him that “Obama is a practicing Wahhabist, he actually prays five times a day.”
Pidgeon said that the Democratic Party as a whole is bent on destroying America by pushing gun reform: “It’s gun control today and internment camps tomorrow.” “We don’t have months, we don’t even have weeks, this man could start World War III tomorrow and he could enact martial law at the twilling of a pen,” he added, before accusing President Obama of committing treason and building “a ruthless dictatorship.”
“We will not get to a 2016 election if Mr. Obama has his way,” he warned. “Be a man and do what you’re supposed to do,” Pidgeon demanded of members of Congress. “Stand up for this country and introduce these articles of impeachment while we still have an opportunity.”
Jones said that the “elites” who are running the country are “really evil people” who treat Americans like “scum,” while Pidgeon claimed that the New World Order wants to “Islamify” the West in order to create a fascist state. “The theory,” he said, “and this theory, by the way, was the theory proposed initially by Adolf Hitler, which is that National Socialism works better in a Muslim society than it does in a Christian society, so the concept within the New World Order is to Islamify all of Western society so that the dictatorship will flow more easily and that the population will be more easily controlled.”
“They are power-hungry people and they go to bed at night thinking about how they are going to kill 5 billion human beings,” Pidgeon said. “And what they have planned for the United States is control of the population and, of course, the systematic elimination of any people who remember freedom, any people who remember the constitutional republic, any people who remember the American way of life, those people have to go, they have to be replaced by subservient slaves who are under the control of some imam somewhere that allows the elite to pluck them and to pluck their wealth and to live in their one-percent life while the rest of us starve in the street.”
Jones tied this into his criticism of the Black Lives Matter movement, which he says challenges “the legitimate police state,” and warned of a plot “using socialism and the radical Islam” to destroy the U.S. “Obama is at war with America,” he said.