Thursday, August 09, 2018 by Ethan Huff
President Trump has been busy working out new trade deals, establishing tariffs, and bringing jobs back to America. But his justice department has yet to put Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama in prison, as it has similarly failed to pardon Wikileaks founder and American patriot Julian Assange, whose information releases over the years have been critical in exposing and deconstructing the “deep state.”
Despite having talked about Wikileaks while on the campaign trail, President Trump has thus far done nothing to unshackle Assange, the man behind Wikileaks, from his embassy prison in London, where he now reportedly suffers from failing health. Assange has been cooped up in the Ecuadorian Embassy there for six years now, unable to leave without facing the prospect of arrest and prosecution.
But the fact of the matter is that Assange has committed no crimes, as his efforts to expose corruption have been both legal and in the interests of preserving the American Republic. This is why Alex Jones and InfoWars are now trying to get the President’s attention with a new petition calling for Assange to be unconditionally pardoned “in the interests of both justice and mercy.”
You can read, sign, and share the petition at this link.
The fact that President Trump is basically ignoring Assange’s plight as of now is really upsetting to Gail Chord Schuler, who recently uploaded a video to REAL.video calling on the President to take action.
“I have signed a petition that’s been put out by Alex Jones, who I have a lot of respect for,” Schuler states. “It’s very well-written. And it’s asking for President Trump to pardon Julian Assange.”
Keep in mind that even the Department of Justice (DOJ) under Attorney General Jeff Sessions has publicly admitted, on record, that prosecuting Assange as the Left demands would also expose all other American journalists and news outlets to similar criminal jeopardy.
Assange’s courageous efforts are also the reason why more Americans than ever are even aware of prolific deep state corruption, as his whistleblower information releases have dealt what could eventually become a fatal blow to the anti-American traitors that plague our government.
The petition explains that Assange’s Wikileaks releases align with the “respected tradition of American journalism” because the information they contain is “newsworthy.” All of the material contained in Wikileaks has also proven to be authentic and accurate, thus far.
Especially as it pertains to Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee, what Assange has brought to light “serve[s] the national interest by exposing the corruption of the Clintons, the Clinton Foundation, the Clinton campaign and the Obama Justice Department.”
The corrupt FBI and other federal agencies are obviously opposed to Assange’s work, as it exposes them as being complicit in a litany of Clinton crimes. This is why they’ve erroneously declared him to be an agent of a “Hostile Foreign State,” referring of course to the Russian collusion conspiracy theory being constantly circulated by the Left.
“Julian Assange has consistently denied that material obtained from the Democratic National Committee and published by Wikileaks came from the Russian State and has repeatedly offered to prove this to U.S. authorities,” the petition explains.
“Julian Assange is an impeccably-honest, incredibly-brave, humanitarian journalist, who provides an invaluable platform for whistleblowers exposing corruption and criminality infesting governments, nullifying democracy and obliterating human rights around the world.”
The petition concludes by explaining that there are “absolutely no legitimate legal grounds to prosecute Assange,” and that the time is now for President Trump to take action in defense of this innocent man.
Be sure to read, sign, and share the petition at this link.
Sources for this article include:
Tagged Under: Tags: Alex Jones, Assange, deep state, Donald Trump, freedom, information, InfoWars, Journalism, Julian Assange, Liberty, pardon, patriot, petition, President Trump, priority, Real Video, Trump, Tyranny, unconditional pardon