Tuesday, September 10, 2019 by JD Heyes
If you needed any more proof that Google is a) a monopoly; b) is far too big; and c) is collecting way too much data on users (mostly without our permission), this story ought to provide it.
In recent months you may have read about research conducted by psychologist Robert Epstein regarding the influence that the search and tech behemoth has amassed over political information — news and otherwise — since 2016.
Epstein is doing ground-breaking research into the field of how tech giants are using their control of information flows to influence election outcomes. In particular, as The National Sentinel reported in March, Epstein believes that Google manipulated searches, news feeds, and other data to the point that it cost at least three Republicans their seats:
The scientist and AIBRT analyzed Google searches that were linked to a trio of highly competitive congressional races in southern California that were won by Democrats. In doing so, the team discovered that Google’s “clear democrat bias” likely flipped those seats away from GOP candidates.
The study noted that at least 35,455 undecided voters within those three California districts were very like persuaded to vote for the Democratic candidate because of Google’s intentionally biased search results.
Breitbart News reported separately that Epstein’s research discovered that in the days leading up to the 2018 midterms, he managed to preserve “more than 47,000 election-related searches on Google, Bing, and Yahoo, along with the nearly 400,000 web pages to which the search results linked,” he said.
Analysis of the data proved there was a clear pro-Democrat bias in election-related searches related to those three races on Google — the world’s leading search engine and news content delivery platform, by far — than similar searches on Bing and Yahoo.
“As Epstein’s previous studies have shown, this can have a huge impact on the decisions of undecided voters, who often assume that their search results are unbiased,” Breitbart News reported (and why wouldn’t they?). “Epstein has called this the Search Engine Manipulation Effect (SEME).”
Epstein made another eye-opening revelation in an interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson earlier this year: One shift in Google search results on Election Day 2018 very likely resulted in between 800,000 to 4.6 million votes for Democratic candidates.
During an interview with Fox News’ Mark Levin on Sunday, Epstein repeated his earlier claim — that results prove at least 800,000 votes were shifted, more than enough to affect the outcome of several elections.
This comes, of course, as Google and the other big tech giants work to censor and ban conservatives from their platforms, ostensibly for violating the same community rules that Left-wing Democrats and ‘progressives’ violate on a routine basis but seldom, if ever, are penalized for their disparaging remarks.
In fact, the Left-wing social media sites have banned conservatives and liberty-minded individuals so many times now it’s ridiculous to claim the moves are not part of a coordinated effort to subdue anything other than Left-wing groupthink.
When Google placed a simple multi-colored “Go Vote” logo on its home search page in the days leading up to the election, “on the surface it doesn’t even look like a manipulation” but it most certainly was, Epstein says, no matter how subtle it seemed.
Earlier, Epstein noted that “individual employees at Google have the power to manually remove material, remove content that we see, and they do so often with political ends.”
“I guarantee you that this past election was affected,” Epstein noted in an earlier interview.
And while Democrats are distracting everyone with “Russia, Russia, Russia,” Epstein notes that Google is set to “actively interfere” in next year’s election to help defeat President Donald Trump and as many other Republicans as possible.
Doesn’t that make Google a national security threat?
Sources include:
Tagged Under: Tags: 2018 Election, 2020 election, ban, bias, censors, Censorship, deception, democrats, deplatform, election meddling, elections, evil, Glitch, Google, groupthink, Left-wing, manipulation, mind control, news bias, platforms, President Trump, Republicans, Robert Epstein, Russia, search engine, search results, Social media, tech giants, Twisted